How a Legendary Sportswear Brand Grew Conversions by +214%

with GardeRobo AI’s Smart Styling solutions

A legendary sportswear brand, tackled the persistent challenge of addressing customers' style concerns. By leveraging a simplified and highly personalized customer experience, the brand effectively eliminated barriers to purchase.

Key Achievements in just 5 months

  • Conversion Rate Surge by 214%
  • 10% Enhancement in Average Order Values
  • Notable 18% Increase in Units per Transaction

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    Key Achievements in just 5 months

    • Conversion Rate Surge by 214%
    • 10% Enhancement in Average Order Values
    • Notable 18% Increase in Units per Transaction

    "A few years ago, our company began a digital transformation journey to enhance customers' shopping experiences. Partnering with GardeRobo AI, we integrated innovative features like the Shop the Model widget, Smart Recommendations, and the Pop-Up Style Assembler across our brand's platforms. This initiative aimed to understand and cater to the evolving preferences of our tech-savvy customers. The insights gained from this collaboration will serve as a blueprint for scaling these functionalities across our diverse brands and regions."

    Head of e-Commerce of the sportswear brand

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    Sell Looks, not by Items

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